ITU-T-Empfehlungen D-Serie

Das ist der Eintrag dazu aus unserem IT-Kommunikationslexikon:

Die D-Serie befaßt sich mit generellen Tarifprinzipien.

Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions for the Series-D Recommendations

General tariff principles

Private leased telecommunication facilities

General principles for the lease of international (continental and intercontinental) private telecommunication circuits and networks

Principles for the lease of analogue international circuits for private service

Special conditions for the lease of international (continental and intercontinental) sound- and television- programme circuits for private service

Costs and value of services rendered as factors in the fixing of rates

Concept and implementation of "one-stop shopping" for international private leased telecommunication circuits

Special conditions for the lease of international end-to-end digital circuits for private service

Private leasing of transmitters or receivers

Tariff principles applying to data communication services over dedicated public data networks

General tariff principles for international public data communication services

Special tariff principles for international packet-switched public data communication services by means of the virtual call facility

Measurement unit for charging by volume in the international packet-switched data communication service

Guiding principles to govern the apportionment of accounting rates in international packet-switched public data communication relations

General charging and accounting principles for non-voice services provided by interworking between public data networks

Special tariff principles for the international circuit-switched public data communication services

Special tariff principles for short transaction transmissions on the international packet-switched public data networks using the fast select facility with restriction

Implementation of reverse charging on international public data communication services

General charging principles in the international public message handling services and associated applications

General accounting principles applicable to message handling services and associated applications

Accounting and settlement principles applicable to the provision of public directory services between interconnected Directory Management Domains

Charging and accounting in the international public telegram service

General tariff principles applicable to telegrams exchanged in the international public telegram service

Introduction of accounting rates by zones in the international public telegram service

Accounting in the international public telegram service

Partial and total refund of charges in the international public telegram service Corr. 02/90 (E)

Charging and accounting in the international telemessage service

Charging and accounting principles for the international telemessage service

International Internet connection

Charging and accounting in the international telex service

Guiding principles to govern the apportionment of accounting rates in intercontinental telex relations

Charging and accounting provisions relating to the measurement of the chargeable duration of a telex call

General charging and accounting principles in the international telex service for multi-address messages via store-and-forward units

Charging and accounting in the international telex service

Charging and accounting in the international facsimile service

General tariff principles for the international public facsimile service between public bureaux (bureaufax service)

General tariff principles for the public facsimile service between subscriber stations (telefax service)

General tariff and international accounting principles for interworking between the international bureaufax and telefax services

Charging and accounting in the international videotex service

Charging and accounting principles in the international videotext service

Charging and accounting in the international phototelegraph service

Accounting and refunds for phototelegrams

Accounting and refunds for private phototelegraph calls

Rates for phototelegrams and private phototelegraph calls

Charging for international phototelegraph calls to multiple destinations

Charging and accounting in the mobile services

Charging, billing, international accounting and settlement in the maritime mobile service

Transmission in encoded form of maritime telecommunications accounting information

Charging and accounting in the international land mobile telephone service (provided via cellular radio systems)

Charging, billing and accounting principles for international aeronautical mobile service, and international aeronautical mobile-satellite service

Charging, billing, accounting and refunds in the data messaging land/maritime mobile-satellite service

Charging, billing, accounting and settlement principles for Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) for the international telephone service

[Withdrawn] Charging and accounting provisions relating to the transferred account telegraph and telematic services
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

Charging and accounting in the international telephone service

Charging for international calls in manual or semi-automatic operating

Charging in automatic service for calls terminating on a recorded announcement stating the reason for the call not being completed

Charging for calls to subscriber's station connected either to the absent subscriber's service or to a device substituting a subscriber in his absence

Charging for calls from or to a public call office

Introduction of reduced rates during periods of light traffic in international telephone service

Charging and accounting for conference calls

Tariff principles and accounting for the international freephone service (IFS)

Charging and accounting principles relating to the home country direct telephone service

Charging and accounting principles for the international premium rate service (IPRS)

Charging and accounting principles for the international telecommunication charge card service

Accounting rate principles for international telephone services

New system for accounting in international telephony

Old system for accounting in international telephony

Guiding principles governing the apportionment of accounting rates in intercontinental telephone relations

Drawing up and exchange of international telephone and telex accounts

Mode of application of the flat-rate price procedure set forth in Recommendation D.67 and Recommendation D.150 for remuneration of facilities made available to the Administrations of other countries

Monthly telephone and telex accounts

Adjustments and refunds in the international telephone service

Accounting for calls circulated over international routes for which accounting rates have not been established

Defaulting subscribers

Conventional transmission of information necessary for billing and accounting regarding collect and credit card calls

Transmission in encoded form of telephone reversed charge billing and accounting information

Adjustment of charges and refunds in the international telex service

Monthly accounts for semi-automatic telephone calls (ordinary and urgent calls, with or without special facilities)

International sound- and television-programme transmissions

Occasional provision of circuits for international sound- and television-programme transmissions

Charging and accounting for international satellite services

General tariff and accounting principles for international one-way point-to-multipoint satellite services

General tariff and accounting principles for the international two-way multipoint telecommunication service via satellite

General charging and accounting principles applicable to an international videoconferencing service

Transmission of monthly international accounting information

Exchange of international traffic accounting data between Administrations using electronic data interchange (EDI) techniques

Service and privilege telecommunications

Principles for charging and accounting of service telecommunications

D.193 (11/88) Special tariff principles for privilege telecommunications

Settlement of international telecommunication balances of accounts

Time-scale for settlement of accounts for international telecommunication services

Clearing of international telecommunication balances of accounts

Notification of change of address(es) for accounting and settlement purposes

Charging and accounting principles for international telecommunication services provided over the ISDN

General charging and accounting principles for international telecommunication services provided over the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

International accounting for the use of the signal transfer point (STP) in Signalling System No. 7

Charging and accounting principles for the use of Signalling System No. 7

Charging and accounting principles to be applied to international circuit-mode demand bearer services provided over the integrated services digital network (ISDN)

Charging and accounting principles for ATM/B-ISDN

Charging and accounting principles to be applied to frame relay data transmission service

General charging and accounting principles for supplementary services associated with international telecommunication services provided over the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

Charging and accounting principles relating to the User-to-User Information (UUI) supplementary service

Specific tariff and accounting principles applicable to ISDN supplementary services

Charging and accounting principles to be applied to the reversed charged supplementary service

Charging and accounting principles for teleservices supported by the ISDN

General charging and accounting principles for non-voice services provided by interworking between the ISDN and existing public data networks

General charging and accounting principles for the basic telephone service provided over the ISDN or by interconnection between the ISDN and the public switched telephone network

Charging and accounting capabilities to be applied on the ISDN

Charging and accounting principles for universal personal telecommunication

Principles for charging and billing, accounting and reimbursements for universal personal telecommunication

Charging and accounting principles for intelligent network supported services

Guiding principles for charging and accounting for intelligent network supported services

Charging and accounting principles for the global virtual network service

Recommendations for regional application

Recommendations applicable in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.300 R
Determination of accounting rate shares in telephone relations between countries in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.301 R
Determination of accounting rate shares and collection charges in telex relations between countries in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.302 R
Determination of the accounting rate shares and collection charges for the international public telegram service applicable to telegrams exchanged between countries in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.303 R
Determination of accounting rate shares and collection charges applicable by countries in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin to the occasional provision of circuits for sound- and television-programme transmissions

[Withdrawn] Remuneration for facilities used for the switched-transit handling of intercontinental telephone traffic in a country in Europe or the Mediterranean Basin
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

D.306 R
Remuneration of public packet-switched data transmission networks between the countries of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.307 R
Remuneration of digital systems and channels used in telecommunication relations between the countries of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

D.310 R
Determination of rentals for the lease of international programme (sound- and television-) circuits and associated control circuits for private service in relations between countries in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Recommendations applicable in Latin America

[Withdrawn] Accounting system in the international automatic telephone service
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

D.400 R
Accounting rates applicable in telephone relations between countries in Latin America

D.401 R
[Withdrawn] Accounting rates applicable to telex relations between countries in Latin America
Deleted following a proposal from the Tariff Group for Latin America and the Caribbean because the maximum rates indicated in this Recommendation cannot be used for negotiating accounting rates

Recommendations applicable in Asia and Oceania

D.500 R
Accounting rates applicable to telephone relations between countries in Asia and Oceania

D.501 R
Accounting rates applicable to telex relations between countries in Asia and Oceania

Recommendations applicable to the African Region

D.600 R
Determination of accounting rate shares and collection charges in telephone relations between countries in Africa

D.601 R
Determination of accounting rate shares and collection charges in telex relations between countries in Africa

Application of the "sender pays transit" principle in transit relations

Minimizing collection charges on inter-African calls

The last international transit center pays the traffic

D.606 R
Preferential rates in telecommunication relations between countries in Africa

Supplements to the Series D Recommendations

Suppl. 1
Cost and tariff study method

Suppl. 2
Method for carrying out a cost price study by regional tariff groups

Suppl. 3
Handbook on the methodology for determining costs and establishing national tariffs

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