ITU-T Empfehlungen B-Serie

Das ist der Eintrag dazu aus unserem IT-Kommunikationslexikon:

Die B-Serie befasst sich mit der Bedeutung von Ausdrücken, Definitionen, Symbolen und Klassifikationen. Allerdings hat diese Serie nur noch historischen Wert, da alle ihre Spezifikationen inzwischen zurückgezogen worden sind.

[Withdrawn] Letter symbols for telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Use of the international system of units (SI)

[Withdrawn] Graphical symbols and rules for the preparation of documentation in telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Legal time - use of the term UTC
Deleted on 2004-03-01, since UTC time scale is defined and recommended by the ITU-R and maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), and is thus outside the scope of ITU-T

[Withdrawn] Use of the decibel and the neper in telecommunications
Deleted since its content is covered by ITU-T Rec. G.100.1

[Withdrawn] Terms and definitions
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

[Withdrawn] Terms and symbols for information quantities in telecommunications
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

[Withdrawn] Nomenclature of the frequency and wavelength bands used in telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Use of certain terms linked with physical quantities

[Withdrawn] Adoption of the CCITT Specification and description Language (SDL)
ITU-T B.17 was deleted as its content is adequately covered by Rec. Z.110

[Withdrawn] Traffic intensity unit
Deleted because its content is already covered by ITU-T E.600

[Withdrawn] Abbreviations and initials used in telecommunications

Aktuelle Beiträge

Open Source hat ein Malwareproblem

Sonatype hat seinen zehnten jährlichen "State of the Software Supply Chain Report" veröffentlicht, der die zunehmenden Bedrohungen durch Open-Source-Malware und Sicherheitsrisiken in der Software-Lieferkette deutlich macht. Der Report, der auf Daten von über sieben Millionen Open-Source-Projekten basiert, beleuchtet die Entwicklungen der letzten Dekade und zeigt signifikante Risiken auf, die die Lieferkette gefährden.