ITU-T Empfehlungen B-Serie

Das ist der Eintrag dazu aus unserem IT-Kommunikationslexikon:

Die B-Serie befasst sich mit der Bedeutung von Ausdrücken, Definitionen, Symbolen und Klassifikationen. Allerdings hat diese Serie nur noch historischen Wert, da alle ihre Spezifikationen inzwischen zurückgezogen worden sind.

[Withdrawn] Letter symbols for telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Use of the international system of units (SI)

[Withdrawn] Graphical symbols and rules for the preparation of documentation in telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Legal time - use of the term UTC
Deleted on 2004-03-01, since UTC time scale is defined and recommended by the ITU-R and maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), and is thus outside the scope of ITU-T

[Withdrawn] Use of the decibel and the neper in telecommunications
Deleted since its content is covered by ITU-T Rec. G.100.1

[Withdrawn] Terms and definitions
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

[Withdrawn] Terms and symbols for information quantities in telecommunications
Deleted after its content became technically out of date

[Withdrawn] Nomenclature of the frequency and wavelength bands used in telecommunications

[Withdrawn] Use of certain terms linked with physical quantities

[Withdrawn] Adoption of the CCITT Specification and description Language (SDL)
ITU-T B.17 was deleted as its content is adequately covered by Rec. Z.110

[Withdrawn] Traffic intensity unit
Deleted because its content is already covered by ITU-T E.600

[Withdrawn] Abbreviations and initials used in telecommunications

Aktuelle Beiträge

Inverse Ping-Funktion in PRTG

Viele Nutzer von PRTG Network Monitor verwenden das Werkzeug zur Prüfung, ob ein Host mittels Ping erreichbar ist. Was manchen IT-Profis aber fehlt, ist so etwas wie ein invertierter Ping-Sensor – er liefert den Status "OK" zurück, wenn es keine Antwort auf den Ping-Befehl gibt, und "Fehler", sobald sich ein Gerät auf den Ping rückmeldet. Dies lässt sich jedoch mit wenigen Handgriffen und dem Sensor "Ping v2" realisieren.